What is Vivamor®?
VIVAMOR® is a unique product made of the finest and highest quality formulation that contains many essential ingredients and nutrients for pregnant women to guarantee ultimate benefit for her and her baby: Choline, Omega 3, Folate, DHA, and B Complex
All ingredients are supplied with the needed daily requirements according to the International Guidelines as seen in the table below:
Why Every Body Needs Choline
Choline is the precursor neurological building block for the neurotransmitter; Acetylcholine. (1)
The need for Choline is significantly increased during periods of high activity; where neuronal communication is accelerated. (1)
Adequate concentration of Choline plays an important role in the branching at the contact points between neurons that are involved in the learning and memory functions in the brain. (2)
Choline is an important part of phosphatidylcholine (PC); a primary structural component of the phospholipid membranes of all cells, and its need is extremely high in rapidly growing tissues and organs. (2)
Choline is also a precursor of platelet-activating factor which appears to have a key function in the maturation of fetal lungs and other biochemical events preceding childbirth. (2)
Choline is oxidized to the cellular osmolyte betaine which in turn is converted to the amino acid methionine, which is necessary for protein synthesis. (3)
Choline was recently acknowledged by the USDA Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee in its report on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Choline intake has an inverse effect on levels of plasma homocysteine; which is a biomarker for negative outcomes in pregnancy, such as low birth weight, pre-eclampsia, placental abruption and recurrent pregnancy loss. (3,4,5)
Blusztajn JK et al; Synthesis of acetylcholine from choline derived from phosphatidylcholine in a human neuronal cell line; PNAS 1987; 84: 5474-5477
Meck WH et al; Metabolic imprinting of choline by its availability during gestation: implications for memory and attention processing across the lifespan; Neuroscience Bio-behaviour Rev. 2003; 27: 385-399
Dudman et al; Disordered methionine/homocysteine metabolism in premature vascular disease; Arteriocler Thrombosis: 1993; 13: 1253-1260
Molloy et al; Choline and homocysteine interrelations in umbilical cord and maternal plasma at delivery; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 2005; 82: 836-842
Vollset et al; Plasma total homocysteine, pregnancy complications and adverse pregnancy outcomes; the Hordaland Homocystiene study: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 2000; 71: 962-968
Choline & folate; Mutual Benefit
Adequate free Choline concentration is important to compensate as a methyl group donor that ensures the availability of enough folate for the synthesis of DNA and proteins especially for rapidly growing tissues and organs. (1,2,3)
Both choline and folate are of high importance in attenuating the risk of neural tube defects in offspring. Beside that they both act as methyl group donors to decrease circulating plasma homocystiene, which itself appears to be associated with a variety of negative outcomes in pregnancy. (1,2,3)
Institute of medicine. Folate; food and nutrition board NAoS, editor; Washington DC: National Academy Press; 1998: 196-305
Craciunescu CN et al; Folic acid availability during the gestation decreases progenitor cell proliferation and increases apoptosis in fetal mouse brain; American Journal of Nutrition: 2004; 134: 162-166
Jacob et al; Folate nutrition alters choline status of women and men fed low choline diet: American Journal of Nutrition 1999; 129: 712-717
Choline & DHA; The Synergy
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) plays a vital role in normal brain development, and normal development of the eyes as well.
Both Choline and DHA are important building blocks for brain cells and they increase the utilization of PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and thus play a major role in membrane phospholipid formation. (1,2)
It is found as well that both choline and DHA increase the extent of branching of dendrites in hippocampal neurons, which is believed to relate to an improved capacity for synaptic communication between the neural cells. (2,3)
Li Q et al; Dietary prenatal choline supplementation alters postnatal hippocampal structure and function; Journal of Neurophysiology: 2004; 91: 1545-1555
Wurtman RJ et al; Synapse formation and cognitive brain development: effect of DHA; Metabolic Clinical Expt; 2008; 57 Suppl 2: S6-S10
Choline & B Complex; Make it Simple
Choline and B complex vitamins have proved to counteract age related memory decline problems.
Choline and B complex vitamins (mainly B2, B6 and B12) intake have an inverse effect on levels of plasma homocysteine; which is a biomarker for negative outcomes in pregnancy, where they are involved as cofactors in reactions related to the conversion of homocysteine to methionine that is needed for protein synthesis. (1,2,3)
Velzing-Aarts FV et al; Plasma choline and betaine and their relation to plasma homocysteine in normal pregnancy; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 2005; 81: 1383-3389
Tanaka T et al; Genome-wide association study of vitamin B6, B12, folate and homocysteine blood concentration; American Journal of Human Genetics: 2009; 84: 477-482
Omega 3; Better than any
Omega 3 can be caught from Norwegian Sea which is said to be of the highest quality.
Concordix® technique ensures the least heavy metal concentrations (mainly mercury) even below the European standards, and better purity and quality of omega 3 which are of high concern for the end-user.
Concordix® has the highest bioavailability of omega 3 and no fish odour after taste.